A person is wrapping gold foil onto a roll.

Gold Leaf Gilding & Other Gilding Variants Part 1

Gilding is a term used to describe a variety of techniques used to to apply a thin layer of gold, either as leaf or in other forms, to the surface of various materials. A few of these materials that are…

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A box with some gold leaf and a brush

Gold Leaf Gilding & Other Gilding Variants Part 2

Oil gilding is a process that is less complicated and less time consuming. The wood surface is prepared and made smooth with gesso or other coatings, smoothed and then well sealed. A very thin layer of a special oil varnish…

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A group of gold frames hanging on the wall.

Fine Antique Frames Q & A

Q. What is a fine antique frame? A. The quality of antique frames can vary considerably with variations in materials and craftsmanship.Fine antique frames can be from any period in history. They would have a well balanced design that was…

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A mirror with gold leaf frame and a silver background.

Antique Mirrored Glass Part I

Throughout history mirrors have been prized and valuable objects. Framed antique mirrors may still retain their original mirror glass which is highly desirable even if the silvering has deteriorated over time. A basic understanding of historic mirrors and how they…

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A close up of the top portion of an old mirror.

Antique Mirrored Glass Part II

To be suitable for mirrors usually the best quality of glass produced was used. To become a mirror it needs to have a reflective backing. The 16th century glass makers on the island of Murano are generally credited with the…

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A mirror with two different frames on it

Antique Framed Mirrors

Framed mirrors have been used for centuries in many ways . They hang everywhere from the rooms of modest homes to the opulent spaces of grand palaces. Their reflective surfaces provide depth and sparkle by visually increasing the space of…

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